Tuesday, August 5, 2014

These Guys Crack Me Up!!

I was so fortunate to have collided with the Stephen & Steven Tour 2014 while I was in Manchester, NH at the Knit and Crochet Show!  Although there were many great things to do and see at the show, this had to be my favorite!
What a Hoot!!  These two men are so creative and so contagious! They are obviously passionknit about what they do.   I attended their class called "Dynamic Duo".  It was a kind of free-form anything goes kinda class.  A "rules go out the window" kinda class. 
StephenBe is a designer and business owner in Minneapolis with a career worth reading about.
Steven West is a designer, teacher, and author living in Amsterdam, but originally from Tulsa, OK. His designs are very eye-catching and artistic.
 If  you really want to keep up with what is going on and exciting in the knitting world these days, I highly recommend that you check these two guys out.  Fun for sure!!
A picture is worth a thousand words!  Wish I hadn't taken blurry photos!!  Anyway, I think you get the idea.
   Steven West in his knitted shorts.
  Steven West modeling some of his own pieces.

Me and the Ste(ph)(v)ens.  Selfie